Saturday, December 18, 2010

Saturday: Vintage Child

Do you remember Joan Walsh Anglund when you were little? I do! No I am not having a Precious Moments or Suzy's Zoo moment.. this was really cute stuff.  My mom must have loved it because I had a ton of it when I was little.

Joan Walsh Anglund was an author and illustrator who became well known in 1958 with the book "A Friend is Someone Who Likes You." I love her illustrations.  One of my favorite books she wrote was "Love one Another" which tells you how to saw I love you in a ton of different languages.

My books. The one in the middle is "A Friend is Someone who Likes You" in French,
English version, and then "Love one Another"- my favorite!! 

VERY CLEAR memory of being annoyed with myself
for putting that awesome Barbie sticker upside down in my book. 

I had a hard time trying to say "I love you" in Eskimo. 

Making Christmas cookies.

Christmas paper dolls. 

This puzzle is on ebay right now. Must not buy puzzle, must not buy puzzle.
See how cute everything was?
I loved the bow in her hair. 

Winston hanging out with me while working on this post. He looks bored. 
xo Sarah

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