Monday, November 8, 2010

Monday- Vintage Finds

Call me ambitious but I thought I would quickly get out another blog post. I live in an apartment in the Hollywood Hills (doesn't that sound nice?) that was built in the 1920's. It has a lot of charm and fun places to put all my "stuff". Below is my mini rose plant which is looking pretty sad at the moment, white pumpkins, and my beloved old tray from Goodwill.

I don't know Lettie and Mac, but I am sure they had a great wedding. If you are up there in heaven Lettie and Mac, your tray is very much loved in my home!

The little nightstand that is on is one that I just doused in "Polo Pony White" by Ralph Lauren. This the shade I paint all my furniture white in. Yes I love horses and that may or may not had something to do with choosing this paint color as my signature home color. Eye roll! The old planter with the fox hunting scene is from Annapolis, Maryland and my mom has the same one in her home. I think trays are GREAT for putting on ottomans, nightstands, bathrooms, anywhere. Don't be afraid to dig and buy a bottle of silver cleaner. You'll never know what you will find.

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