Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sunday: Project

This is was a very random project. I have a closet with two double/french doors in my living room and things can get out of control quickly. If I owned this place, then I would put in built in shelves, but since I don't I have a bookcase in there. Bookcases that are the same color of the wall offer a great solution to built in shelving because it just totally blends in.
Anyway, the white bookcase I have in the closet now wasn't enough storage for my random dishes (they are everywhere in my house). I was more than thrilled when my boyfriend had found this awesome bookcase for me (for free) because a client no longer wanted it! So here's what I did.
Disclaimer: I did Windex this bookcase before I painted!

I taped off what I didn't want painted. I left one side not taped so you could see where I did tape. You don't want to paint any of the outside border any other color than white (if you have a white bookcase)

So next I primed the entire inside. Primer doesn't have to be perfect, you are covering the dark wood, sealing it, and offering a surface that will enable paint to stick to.

Since this bookcase was for my closet, I used what paint I had on hand. Painter's Touch Candy Pink. It's a great shade of pink. It was easy. If you are doing this project for your living room, you want to make sure that all the colors match and that you are consistent. If you are doing a whole wall of bookcases (screw them into the wall), then do this project with your pop inside color all the same color.

So here is the double door closet. As you can see there is a lot one could do with the space, but I don't need it for anything but storage. This was actually a major project and it took me awhile to set up. When I took this picture I don't think everything was in the closet just yet! The blank wall above the new pink bookcase is great to hang mirrors or pictures that are not in use at the time.

This bookcase was in the living room of my old apartment so I had done the project before.

Some of my horses and my ribbons. Anyone who knows me this is SOME.
xo Sarah

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