Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wednesday: California

So last time I wrote about the Salton Sea (at least google this place, it's crazy). This week it is....Santa Inez Valley and Solvang in Santa Barbara County (Wine Country).  Did you see Sideways? This is the place!
So I love Anderson's Pea Soup. It's vegan AND vegetarian for all those who care and it's good. I think I like it because it is super kitsch 50's style. An artist for Walt Disney did their character drawing and they were closed during WW2 to house soldiers.  I read that a lot of journalists used to make the drive from Los Angeles to Hearst Castle and always stopped at Anderson's along the way.
I love this spot! A place that sells a "a grumpy German is a sour kraut" magnet is up my alley. 

Sure. I'll put up a picture of myself eating soup.

They liked it!!!!!!!

I do not remember what we did after Anderson's but the rest of my trip pictures are from the next day. Anyway eventually you can go to Ostrichland.  I had to pretend to kiss the paper mache ostrich because that's what you do when you see a huge paper mache ostrich!

Well that's nice. Ostriches and Emus remind me of dinosaurs. I don't know why, they just have a prehistoric vibe. 

Why no, this is not a movie still from Jurassic Park. It's Ostrichland! Can you spot the ostrich? This is a family-owned business so support them when you come to town! 

Lots of horses around here! Two new friends saying hi.

You can take your dogs to....Neverland Ranch aka Michael Jackson's old ranch!!!

Winston and Sophie didn't think there was much to see here. We saw a Prius drive onto the ranch, that was a highlight I guess!

Then we went to the miniature horse farm. I've ridden horses my whole life and I know that some ponies are satan's hand (seriously they can be little nasty ones) but these guys were so cute. 

Little crazy foal trying out her new legs.

Stern little momma coming after her baby!

It's really pretty here. If this picture doesn't capture it, it's because I took it while driving in the car! 

This is Solvang, CA. It's Dutch life everywhere. It's not that "authentic" Dutch simply because you don't hear a soul speaking Dutch in this town. But it's cute. The bakeries are good, the Hitching Post is in between where Anderson's is and Solvang. 

Then I went a few other places, I am realizing now that I didn't take all that many pictures. Winetasting 101: Just go to one seriously. Unless you are a major wine expert, who cares. Just go to one place, do the tasting, join the club and buy a couple of bottles and go drink outside or take them home. Some of the places are so beautiful. So just have fun.
I am not a wine snob. When they tell me what notes are in what while I am tasting I am just thinking "this pour is just one sip of one, how about a real pour." Have fun out there. Cheers!

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